Falling off the bandwagon

We all fall off from time to time…

The trick is to not let that define you. The truth is, whether it’s a few weeks, a few months or even a year, you did it once therefore you can do it again.

We all hit a stand still in our journey and the reality of it is that it can be harder to crawl out of that hole than it was to start initially. But we can never let that define who we are. You have to dig deep and find that motivation whether it be through the haters, through song or through your very own soul. You are a warrior and you will always be a warrior.

This is a short post but as I’m sure you all know, I have fallen  off the bandwagon. I have let life, yet again, consume me and have forgotten my real goals. I have forgotten what really matters to me. And that’s ME.


Trust me, I am holding myself accountable for my actions and my downfalls. I am back and going to be better than ever.

Excuses Don’t Work in the Game of Life

Hey! Sorry it’s been a while since my last post. I’ve been struggling with motivation this past week. There should be no excuse, I know. Which leads me to what this post is all about- EXCUSES!

“Excuses are for people who don’t want it bad enough”

This is something I truly believe in. We are all guilty of making excuses in all areas of our lives. This should be unacceptable. Each of us needs to start holding ourselves accountable for everything we do. If deep down you want something bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen. End of story, right? I have heard every excuse in the book when people come to me for fitness and health advice. But, the most common is how it’s so hard to fit time in for working out with work, school, and/or kids. And to be frank, I don’t accept that. I know it can be hard but there is always time. People make time for anything that is a priority in life. To use one of my brothers as an example- for years he was working a full-time job and a part-time job on top of that. He was also in school and playing hockey. Needless to say, he was one busy son of a bish. But he was still hitting the gym 6 days a week and meal prepping on top of that. He knew what he wanted and he found a way to incorporate that into his lifestyle. He made it work the best way that he knew how. Again, we are all guilty of this. Me probably more than anyone! But we all need to take a step back and look at our priorities. Make a list if you have to. Your health will be the common denominator in everything on this list. You have kids- good you need to be healthy to ensure you’ll be there for them! You have a job- good you need to be healthy to keep that job! You need to be healthy to accomplish everything in your life! Your well-being should always be your number one priority!!!!!

Here are a few tips to help beat most of our excuses:

  • Schedule reminders in your phone to go to the gym. Putting them into your calendar so it sends you an e-mail or a text will help hold you accountable to get your but in gear! Skipping a scheduled workout will make you feel guilty!
  • Always- ALWAYS keep a bag of gym clothes and shoes in your car at all times. This way you don’t have to go home after work. Or you can always go unexpectedly. Maybe the mood strikes on your way home from a friends. BOOM now you have everything you need right there with you!
  • Keep your gym shoes near your front door- or anywhere you will see them throughout the day. This will also help as little reminders.
  • Put random post-it notes around your house reminding you to go! Trust me on this, it actually works!
  • Meal prep! Cook your meals ahead of time so you don’t have to stress about what to eat or about having time to cook before or after the gym. All you’ll have to do is heat it up! Having your food already planned out will help you avoid eating out!
  • Buy some cheap workout DVDs. You can get them anywhere. Use these on days you simply don’t want to leave the house! Truth be told- I have Tae Bo and I would be lying if I said I didn’t use it once a week. I also have a yoga DVD that I use once a week as well! Go ahead and judge me- it helps!!!!!

The key to health, fitness and all success in general is consistency and DETERMINATION. Again, if you want it bad enough you WILL find a way to get it done!!!!!!

With love,


Shedding Dead Weight

“The closer you get to excellence in your life, the more friends you’ll lose. People love you when you’re average because it makes them comfortable. But when you pursue greatness it makes people uncomfortable. Be prepared to lose some people on your journey.” –Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

So, I first saw this quote a year ago when I began my journey and I did not believe it to be true. I remember thinking to myself, “this is bullshit”. Pardon my french but that is exactly what I was thinking. Who would disappear when you are bettering yourself, ya know? This guy, Tony Gaskins Jr., is supposed to be some type of life coach, right? Okay, so how could he be so ridiculously far off on this? The whole idea of people, “friends” of yours, disappearing when you are bettering your life just completely baffled me. Truth be told, it still does. But, throughout these past 12 months, I’ve learned more and more that he was spot on. I have these people whom I have called “friends” for so, so long, and now that I’m a healthier, happier version of who I have always been, they are either no where to be found or just straight up don’t support me and my journey. Which hurt for a while. At least, until I realized that even though I lost those “friends”, this entire journey has brought so many new, supporting people my way. People who not only support me, but encourage me to be the best possible version of myself in fitness and in every day life. People who genuinely want the best for me no matter what that may mean for them. People who have been, or are currently making the same changes I am. This has also brought me entirely close to my family in ways I never dreamed to be possible. These people are the ones who deserve to be a part of your journey, a part of your life. These are the people who you don’t need to prove yourself to, they already see you at your best, even when you’re at your worst. These are the ones worthy of your love, worthy of your journey.

“Surround yourself with those on the same journey as you,” is another quote I have come across throughout my journey. Unfortunately, I do not know who originated this one, but nonetheless, I stand by this one as well. These people know how you are feeling, they are there to support you and guide you when you need a helping hand. They are, by far, the most understanding people you will come across and that is a promise I can confidently make to you. These are the people I appreciate more than they will ever even comprehend. Thank you endlessly to those of you in my life that have either joined my journey or have stuck around to support this quite drastic change in my life. You will forever hold a special place in my heart. Each and every one of you.

Always remember that “haters gon’ hate and ainters gon’ ain’t.” That one is from the movie The Interview. 🙂 Regardless of the source, it is still equally true.

Tony A. Gaskins, Jr., my hat’s off to you. My sincerest apologies for doubting you.

So don’t stress when people disappear on your journey. You’re just shedding dead weight in more ways than one from here on out.

With love,


Here’s to starting over


Hi all!

As you’ll be able to tell, I am new to blogging. Honestly, I am new to writing in general. But, what I am not new to is fitness and health. I started my journey about 11 months ago now. In February, 2014, I was 250 pounds and some change. It’s still so hard to say that out loud, even typing it is difficult. I clearly needed a change. I was not only overweight, I was miserable. More unhappy than I could even imagine. Here we are now, nearing the end of January, 2015 and I am a little over 100 pounds down. Happier, too!!!! I’m 5’2 so don’t get me wrong, I’m not where I want to be just yet. But I am so proud of my progress and so in love with myself. Yes, in love with myself!!!! Through this blog, I plan on sharing my journey, both previous and future progress, with all of you. And I would also like to help support, advise, and share stories with anyone who needs it. I know choosing to start a weight loss, or even muscle building, journey is hard. It was the hardest thing I have ever chose to do, that’s for sure. But, I do believe anyone can do it. All you have to do is search within you and find that determination. Find what motivates you and what inspires you, to be the very best possible version of yourself in every way. I would love nothing more than to help you along your journey no matter how big or how small it may be. Every journey has a story involved.

This blog is going to be filled with healthy, high-protein recipes, great exercises, plenty of motivation and all around health advice. I will also be sharing funny and equally telling stories behind my journey in hopes to inspire others through what I have been through.

Remember, we are a team. We should always encourage and motivate each other. Lift each other up, and help wherever help is needed. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you all as well as getting to know you guys!

Thanks for staying tuned in,

Lorrie 🙂